IFS Onboarding

Automate and streamline account opening

Introducing IFS Onboarding, iPipeline's cutting-edge product designed to streamline client onboarding for Broker-Dealers.

Key features

Flexible Account Solutions
Tailored solution with flexibility to meet your client onboarding needs, including opening a single account or multiple accounts and supporting a single client or a full household.
Multi-Product Support
Supports multiple products, enhancing the customer onboarding process for brokerage, advisory, annuity, alternative investments, and direct mutual funds.
Custodian Compatibility
Supports multiple custodians and clearing firms, crucial for a streamlined client onboarding workflow across Schwab, TDA, Fidelity IWS, Pershing PAS, clearing firms (Fidelity NFS, Pershing Clearing), and self-clearing platforms (Sungard) and more.
Efficient Money Movement
Offers the ability to establish standing banking instructions and fund new accounts with an ACH money movement or Security Transfer of any variety, ACAT, non-ACAT, Transfer Agent, Direct Mutual Fund, and Banking CD products.
Broad Registration Support
Supports more than 50 registration types, facilitating new client onboarding across diverse client needs.
Compliance Assurance
Enforces regulatory compliance – including CARES ACT, Patriot Act, Reg BI, KYC – as well as firm policies and procedures, ensuring a compliant client onboarding workflow.
Integrated Banking Instructions
Ability to set up standing banking instructions and fund the account(s) with ACH money movement or Security Transfers as part of the integrated IFS workflow.
Business Logic Funding
Funding transactions leverage core business logic from IFS Asset Movement, optimizing the client onboarding workflow.
Role Enforcement
Enforces the right account roles required for each registration type for each custodian or system of record, a key component of efficient client onboarding.
Forms Gallery Integration
Ability to integrate a forms gallery to support direct to funds - Annuity, insurance, and other forms-based products, streamlining the client onboarding experience.

The iPipeline difference

IFS Onboarding from iPipeline provides you with:

  • An integrated solution to help you differentiate yourself from the competition, with the ability to open many accounts in minutes for optimal operational efficiency
  • The ability to support multiple products, custodians, and clearing firms, enforce regulatory compliance, and provide full account funding instructions, crucial for a seamless customer onboarding process
  • A seamless and efficient onboarding experience – along with a customized approach that is tailored for your specific needs
Benefits for Broker-Dealers and Financial Institutions
  • Provides a comprehensive experience for the advisor and the client – from initial data gathering to documents to account funding
  • Comprehensive and customizable product supports your unique requirements and workflows, allowing for a seamless and efficient customer onboarding process
  • Reduces time, effort, and resource requirements associated with client onboarding, enabling a smooth transition to a full digital environment.
  • Allows you to successfully migrate your business to a full digital environment
  • Supporting multiple products, custodians, and clearing firms, IFS Onboarding is the clear solution for growing your business and improving new client onboarding

Works well with

IFS Transitions
AlphaTrust e-Sign
Laser App
Financial Forms
Leverage Data Analytics
IFS Asset Movement
Efficient Transaction Processing
IFS Maintenance
Manage User Accounts

More information

IFS Solution Suite
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